OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Friendship, a rant, and the right time to say <f* off>
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AAAAAaaaaaaaaaah... but that's ok. Cool. Peacepipe all the way. And maybe my chance to put some positivity in this thread and make it useful. But as I don't want to unveil more private stuff, I think I'll keep a detailed explanation for offline exchange. Characteristics of a misunderstanding: you do not know why you pissed me off so bad. But it has always been the case in similar occurences. Let's try to frame it differently altogether. I am not blaming YOU for failing at meeting a promise. That is something that many women do often times. Many people even. I don't like it but I can live with that. One thing I hate in life in general, one BIG thing I hate is excuse making, or justifications. - you don't owe me a promise you won't hold :: just don't fucking promise shit. - you don't owe me your time :: but respect mine and cancel early if you have to - don't leave it to me to call the day before In other words, you don't owe me shit, and THAT'S THE POINT, excuse making tickles my instinct because it sounds like acts are separate from words, sounds like two distinct lines of thinking are running side by side, and feels bad - even if there is no bad intention underneath. It smells. And I am not talking about "removing nasty people of my path", I don't judge you as nasty. I judge you as nasty TO ME because you'll be making excuses a lot in a lot of circumstancies, especially when not required, and will inevitably cause more disappointment - without even wanting it - which makes it feel even worse. WETHER THERE IS A REASON TO BE DISAPPOINTED OR NOT, the excuse making itself just doesn't cut it. Identical issue with your sister, from the start, twice worse in her case. That's where it gets really personal... All in all, the moral of the story is: a person doesn't have to be hatable to be a pain in the ass. Nowadays, I bail when the situation comes.
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