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Philosophy and other Silliness
Friendship, a rant, and the right time to say <f* off>
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[quote][b]_Mauro said:[/b]...A person can tell me "ok, we had plans together this we, but I just lost all motivation",and it will be fine. Turn that into excuse making and you get my instant special, single ticket to "blacklist county".[/quote] So your "friendship" is more higher priced than you friends? I have similiar view about making plans with my friends. Once upon a time I used to take it very seriously whenever anyone cancelled them. Is this the same? Now I hope the plans happen, but if they don't I have learned to deal with it, make secondary plans. I no longer hold my friend any lower for having plans broken. I no longer care to base my "friendship" on whether I do what I say or not. I care little for people who do. But come hell or high water and ask me to do something for in a pinch or without forethought, and I'm the pne my friedns count on. No it's not to be abused but sooner than later you will find out who your friends truly are if you handle them in this way. Maybe I missed your point, but having a blacklist already supposes that your friends differently, based solely on the uncontrollable nature of reality. That's not a friend that's lonely person looking for a hug. Or Misery loves company.
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