Topic: Real 3d for the web and no installer Pages that link to <a href="" title="Pages that link to Topic: Real 3d for the web and no installer" rel="nofollow" >Topic: Real 3d for the web and no installer\

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Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 09-13-2006 18:45 Edit Quote

Read this 1000 times.

The time has come. I'd almost cry. I CAN make applets and web applications using OpenGL,
and it does NOT require the user to accept a certificate or God knows which bullshit.

It takes Java. And only that to run.


Basically, as long as Java is installed and the web browser allows it (like js), it will make the graphics processor roar instantly.*checkout*/jogl/doc/userguide/index.html?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/html

Joy. Joy. And more joy. On to making a sample thing with source code.

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 09-13-2006 20:02 Edit Quote

Hell, there are samples. I ended up copy/pasting theyre codebase, but in short, the only issue is that it requires accepting one certificate from sun once, the very first time.
Not as good as it seemed. Still, quite nice...

Stunning opengl/swing widgets

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Norway
Insane since: Jun 2002

IP logged posted posted 09-13-2006 20:29 Edit Quote

It looks shiny.

However, being a JS freak I'm looking forward to getting 3D canvas out of the door ... prior to a phase of specification of course.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: Sthlm, Sweden
Insane since: Oct 2000

IP logged posted posted 09-13-2006 21:04 Edit Quote

I downloaded it, but as the certificate warning says "library requests unlimited access to your computer and network" I bailed...

Not on account of it being Sun requesting it, but who knows what backdoors might be opened in the future by some "creative" programmer... the web should not have full access to my computer.
I prefer the "sandbox" principle. But hey, that's my opinion


*/ I'm a person! /*

{cell 260} {Blog}
-{ Sleep: A common physical disorder that manifests itself as the level of blood in the caffeine circulation exeeds 20% }-

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 09-13-2006 22:32 Edit Quote

Makes sense. Theyre "fault", but it is for our security. Still, sun is really only giving a "warranty" of sorts by asking this.

Anyway, I have a homebrewd demo which combines "sandbox compliant" fullscreen code and jogl, linked above.

And I'll post the code if anyone cares (not huge, not small either).

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 09-13-2006 23:15 Edit Quote


	Applet code 
	by Mauro Colella
	(c) 2006
	Feel free to use for personal needs. For commercial uses, 
	include the source of this applet.

	** Tips
	-- It is subject to security restructions when run from a browser
	-- works well when run from appletViewer
	-- Useful for inclusion in Java applications or webstarted applications
	-- JOGL friendly


import java.awt.GraphicsDevice;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;


import com.sun.opengl.util.*;

public class appStub extends Object {
	GraphicsDevice context = null;
	private static Frame window = null;
	GraphicsConfiguration gc = null;
	//BufferedImage im = null;
	//WritableRaster raster = null;

	DisplayMode newDisplayMode = null, oldDisplayMode = null; // =
	// myDevice.getDisplayMode();
	public appStub(){
		// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		appStub st = new appStub();
	public void start() {
			context = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
			//im = new BufferedImage(800,600,java.awt.color.ColorSpace.TYPE_RGB);
			//raster = im.getRaster();
	        gc = context.getDefaultConfiguration();
			oldDisplayMode = context.getDisplayMode();
			newDisplayMode = new DisplayMode(800,600,32,60);
			window = new Frame(gc);
			window.setName("Fullscreen applet");
			window.setSize(800, 600);
			//strategy = window.getBufferStrategy();
			//capabilities = strategy.getCapabilities();
			try {
			} catch(Exception e) {
		    GLCanvas canvas = new GLCanvas();
		    GearsApp gears = new GearsApp(canvas);


//package ake;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

import com.sun.opengl.util.*;

 * <BR>
 * author: Brian Paul (converted to Java by Ron Cemer and Sven Goethel) <P>
 * This version is equal to Brian Paul's version 1.2 1999/10/21

public class GearsApp implements GLEventListener, KeyListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener {
	final Animator animator;
	public GearsApp(GLCanvas g) {

    animator = new Animator(g);
    /*frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
          // Run this on another thread than the AWT event queue to
          // make sure the call to Animator.stop() completes before
          // exiting
          new Thread(new Runnable() {
              public void run() {

  private float view_rotx = 20.0f, view_roty = 30.0f, view_rotz = 0.0f;
  private int gear1, gear2, gear3;
  private float angle = 0.0f;

  private int prevMouseX, prevMouseY;
  private boolean mouseRButtonDown = false;

  public void init(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
    // Use debug pipeline
    // drawable.setGL(new DebugGL(drawable.getGL()));

    GL gl = drawable.getGL();

    System.err.println("INIT GL IS: " + gl.getClass().getName());


    float pos[] = { 10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    float red[] = { .8f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
    float green[] = { 0.2f, 0.9f, 0.0f, 1.0f };
    float blue[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, .4f, 1.0f };

    gl.glLightfv(GL.GL_LIGHT0, GL.GL_POSITION, pos, 0);
    /* make the gears */
    gear1 = gl.glGenLists(1);
    gl.glNewList(gear1, GL.GL_COMPILE);
    gl.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, red, 0);
    gear(gl, 1.0f, 4.0f, 1.0f, 20, 0.7f);
    gear2 = gl.glGenLists(1);
    gl.glNewList(gear2, GL.GL_COMPILE);
    gl.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, red, 0);
    gear(gl, 0.5f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 10, 0.7f);
    gear3 = gl.glGenLists(1);
    gl.glNewList(gear3, GL.GL_COMPILE);
    gl.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, red, 0);
    gl.glMaterialfv(GL.GL_FRONT, GL.GL_SPECULAR, blue, 0);
    gear(gl, 1.3f, 2.0f, 0.5f, 10, 0.7f);
  public void reshape(GLAutoDrawable drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
    GL gl = drawable.getGL();

    float h = (float)height / (float)width;

    System.err.println("GL_VENDOR: " + gl.glGetString(GL.GL_VENDOR));
    System.err.println("GL_RENDERER: " + gl.glGetString(GL.GL_RENDERER));
    System.err.println("GL_VERSION: " + gl.glGetString(GL.GL_VERSION));
    gl.glFrustum(-1.0f, 1.0f, -h, h, 5.0f, 60.0f);
    gl.glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -40.0f);

  public void display(GLAutoDrawable drawable) {
    angle += 2.0f;

    GL gl = drawable.getGL();
    if ((drawable instanceof GLJPanel) &&
        !((GLJPanel) drawable).isOpaque() &&
        ((GLJPanel) drawable).shouldPreserveColorBufferIfTranslucent()) {
    } else {
    gl.glRotatef(view_rotx, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    gl.glRotatef(view_roty, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    gl.glRotatef(view_rotz, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    gl.glTranslatef(-3.0f, -2.0f, 0.0f);
    gl.glRotatef(angle, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    gl.glTranslatef(3.1f, -2.0f, 0.0f);
    gl.glRotatef(-2.0f * angle - 9.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    gl.glTranslatef(-3.1f, 4.2f, 0.0f);
    gl.glRotatef(-2.0f * angle - 25.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

  public void displayChanged(GLAutoDrawable drawable, boolean modeChanged, boolean deviceChanged) {}

  public static void gear(GL gl,
                          float inner_radius,
                          float outer_radius,
                          float width,
                          int teeth,
                          float tooth_depth)
    int i;
    float r0, r1, r2;
    float angle, da;
    float u, v, len;

    r0 = inner_radius;
    r1 = outer_radius - tooth_depth / 2.0f;
    r2 = outer_radius + tooth_depth / 2.0f;
    da = 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth / 4.0f;

    gl.glNormal3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    /* draw front face */
    for (i = 0; i <= teeth; i++)
        angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth;
        gl.glVertex3f(r0 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float)Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f);
        if(i < teeth)
            gl.glVertex3f(r0 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float)Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f);
            gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 3.0f * da), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 3.0f * da), width * 0.5f);

    /* draw front sides of teeth */
    for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++)
        angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth;
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + da), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 2.0f * da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 2.0f * da), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 3.0f * da), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 3.0f * da), width * 0.5f);
    /* draw back face */
    for (i = 0; i <= teeth; i++)
        angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth;
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r0 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float)Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r0 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float)Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f);
    /* draw back sides of teeth */
    for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++)
        angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth;
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 2 * da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 2 * da), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + da), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f);
    /* draw outward faces of teeth */
    for (i = 0; i < teeth; i++)
        angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth;
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f);
        u = r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + da) - r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle);
        v = r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + da) - r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle);
        len = (float)Math.sqrt(u * u + v * v);
        u /= len;
        v /= len;
        gl.glNormal3f(v, -u, 0.0f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + da), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + da), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glNormal3f((float)Math.cos(angle), (float)Math.sin(angle), 0.0f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 2 * da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 2 * da), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 2 * da), r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 2 * da), -width * 0.5f);
        u = r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 3 * da) - r2 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 2 * da);
        v = r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 3 * da) - r2 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 2 * da);
        gl.glNormal3f(v, -u, 0.0f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(angle + 3 * da), r1 * (float)Math.sin(angle + 3 * da), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glNormal3f((float)Math.cos(angle), (float)Math.sin(angle), 0.0f);
    gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(0), r1 * (float)Math.sin(0), width * 0.5f);
    gl.glVertex3f(r1 * (float)Math.cos(0), r1 * (float)Math.sin(0), -width * 0.5f);
    /* draw inside radius cylinder */
    for (i = 0; i <= teeth; i++)
        angle = i * 2.0f * (float) Math.PI / teeth;
        gl.glNormal3f(-(float)Math.cos(angle), -(float)Math.sin(angle), 0.0f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r0 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float)Math.sin(angle), -width * 0.5f);
        gl.glVertex3f(r0 * (float)Math.cos(angle), r0 * (float)Math.sin(angle), width * 0.5f);

  // Methods required for the implementation of MouseListener
  public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {}
  public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}

  public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    prevMouseX = e.getX();
    prevMouseY = e.getY();
    if ((e.getModifiers() & e.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0) {
      mouseRButtonDown = true;
  public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    if ((e.getModifiers() & e.BUTTON3_MASK) != 0) {
      mouseRButtonDown = false;
  public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
  // Methods required for the implementation of MouseMotionListener
  public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
    int x = e.getX();
    int y = e.getY();
    Dimension size = e.getComponent().getSize();

    float thetaY = 360.0f * ( (float)(x-prevMouseX)/(float)size.width);
    float thetaX = 360.0f * ( (float)(prevMouseY-y)/(float)size.height);
    prevMouseX = x;
    prevMouseY = y;

    view_rotx += thetaX;
    view_roty += thetaY;
  public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {}
  public void start(){
	public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
		animator.stop(); //setVisible(false);
	public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
	public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {

jnlp file:

<jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="" > 
      <title>Pink fullscreen gears</title> 
      <vendor>Rocco Sifredi, inc.</vendor> 
      <description kind="short"> m m m m m m</description> 
	  <j2se version="1.6+" href=""/>
	  <j2se version="1.5+" href=""/>
	  <j2se version="1.4.2+" href=""/>
	  <extension name="jogl" href="" />
        <jar href="gears.jar"/> 
    <application-desc main-class="appStub"/> 

And it downloads and deploys opengl for java automatically. hence the request for authorization from sun.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

IP logged posted posted 09-29-2006 16:16 Edit Quote

Except that your web server (or maybe my browser, who knows?) is set to not execute that in the applet space, but to download and run it using one of the JVM modules outside the browser.

Justice 4 Pat Richard

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 10-16-2006 18:26 Edit Quote

For Java's sake.

My server is not configured to do anything special: it delivers jnlp files as any other server can, which do not run like applets - unless instructed to do so -,
but allow assembling applications from remote parts at runtime.

In this case, it "seemed" transparent to me at first because the one time certificate is delivered by Sun and Sun certificates have full trust from me.

Simple enough?

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: :morF
Insane since: May 2000

IP logged posted posted 10-17-2006 02:32 Edit Quote

*shrugs* I'm fully entitled to make mistakes, and to not be aware ofcertain things, Mauro. That doesn't make you entitled to speak to me like I'm a drooling moron about it.

Simple enough?

Justice 4 Pat Richard

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 10-17-2006 22:03 Edit Quote

Sorry if you, to me, are now part of the bunch who dared to bark at me for having showed them a crack in theyre wall. May be a misconception (your barking), still.
Walk into my shoes, I am sadly full of anger towards this place and unfortunately - it just won't go.

Had someone held TP from crossing the line or not crossed it themselves.
Orange walls now tend to make me think of smashing insects and ripping spines, go figure.

...and don't go there with any argument, please play it -safe- for your sake, not mine.
I am expecting the "pissoffwhyuaround - I am a primate" ego-based rant by some DL or clones now, don't even go there.

I am still around because of a promise. To whom it may concern. You? Collateral.
<disappears in the shade>

Lunatic (VI) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

IP logged posted posted 10-17-2006 22:41 Edit Quote

_Mauro said:
...and don't go there with any argument, please play it -safe- for your sake, not mine.
I am expecting the "pissoffwhyuaround - I am a primate" ego-based rant by some DL or clones now, don't even go there.

have you tried any medications yet mauro? there are a remarkable number of very effective ones out there these days...

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 10-24-2006 18:16 Edit Quote

Like suppositories? Up your ass? Good idea. I'd need you to assist though, so...

Get bent.


Tyberius Prime
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers

From: Germany
Insane since: Sep 2001

IP logged posted posted 10-24-2006 18:29 Edit Quote

Great. My favourite comedian is back .

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 10-24-2006 18:46 Edit Quote

And I may even allow you to blow me if you weren't plagued by moronity - and contagious.

Tyberius Prime
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers

From: Germany
Insane since: Sep 2001

IP logged posted posted 10-24-2006 21:49 Edit Quote

So like me you are becoming at last, young InI?

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 10-25-2006 01:09 Edit Quote

You're a pork, and have been a pork to ME in too many occurences, I've kept my quiet long enough
- if tit for tat is the only way to go to punish bastards like you, then let's lower down
to your level.

If destroying this place once is not enough, I'll do it on a daily basis until you shut down or hand it over
to someone else. For you deserve a taste of the anger you inspired.

...I've now seen enough things to stop believing in "happy endings" and sharing knowledge at all costs.
You've helped me make the "defensive snap".

A nice paradox, this thread used to be about handing dogs like you knowledge above your heads.

Religion banter and personality quizzes are all the juice of the Asylum nowadays, while people
tremble for theyre lives allover the world, a bunch of blind idiots live in theyre homebrewd world
of orange padded cells.

Another nice paradox, so many of you spend so much time talking about
the news and sitting on your asses, and actually doing nothing to make things change in the slightest.

And this is the society I live in? Sounds like -exactly it- actually, a bunch of self proclaimed,
for the most, american Mad Scis stroking theyre egos over nothing while the world dies slowly.

Sounds exactly like the society I live in.

Me? For bringing in new ideas, honesty, and mostly constructive contributions, I got a jackass
like you to insult me freely and label it "jk", and get pat homoerotically by his jock-buddies for it.

Maybe... maybe I am crazy...

But you do stink political correctness, weakness, primal idiocy, incapacity to stand for your mistakes,
to act upon them, and everyhting else I loathe.

The sight of a band of tools shouting and dancing at my showing them there's a crack in a wall...
Oddly reminds me of 2001, when cavemen dance around the monolith. In the movie, they evolve due to
the encounter, though, they take theyre chance to make the move.

Here, in "virtual reality as dreamt by the Doc and abducted by the mediocre", nothing has been moving
the right way for a long, long time.

A pork. Really. This burning image of an animal playing with his finglongers.. you are the impersonation
of that -so current and broader- nightmare.

Returning your nightmare to you is just fair game.
It is, in fact, such a righteous cause that I cannot help but
put all the energy I have in it.

...and say that same will was offered to you as a hand you declined and bit more than once.

Count on me to have you pay - this time I am not asking for my words to be removed, this time,
I am making the underlying blame explicit and taking the action you called for.

Lunatic (VI) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

IP logged posted posted 10-25-2006 01:33 Edit Quote

I'm quite serious, mauro.

You are in serious need of mental help - that has been apparent for many years now.
A combination of therapy and the right medication can be a wonderful thing for those in need. The longer you deprive yourself of these things, the worse you will get.

For your own sake, and for the sake of those you might love, I urge you: seek help. REAL help.

The fact that you can even take the time to spew out the spiteful, monstrous drivel that you just have is more than enough to show that you are very unstable and void of self control or perspective. Add to that everything else we've ever seen from you, ini, and there is no doubt that you will keep spiraling into mainc tirades for the rest of your life if you don't do something serious about it.


Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: Jul 2005

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 03:01 Edit Quote

Poor cattle farmer of my ass. I've been to Israel recently as I said, and to other similar countries.
I still am a consultant for PM, as intelligent as balanced, enough not only to be effective, but also to be effective to the extent of serving the EU through this assignment, against crime.

The fact you have the time to waste to read such a rant and comment so poorly shows how much of an ignorant twat you are, dwelling with pencils, brain pooring out of your ears under the sun of the numbest
and most deeply criminal state in history. It also shows you're spanking the monkey behind your keyboard while reading my rants, in a "hunt for Mauro" - it probably makes you feel useful, worthy of something for a change.

First time around in months now, and still, the same ignorant cunts abuse the success of a Doctor to spread idiocy around. I don't have to support that, I really feel an urge to crush people who insult intelligence this way,
after all, your misery is an insult to ME and every human being worthy of standing on two legs.

When I typed the above, I just was back from Israel, or still there, struck by FACTS like people saying "in 2 years, when Iran will have the nuclear bomb, we may all die. Have you ever seen a kid step on a mine?"

One quote.

One second of the past weeks and months of my life.

Have you, DL, ever seen a kid step on mine with your eyes?


And I remember your supporting Bush while the army of your country was slaughtering 500'000 people, and the medias of your country were labelling that "restore hope", an hollywood gem
starring G.W.Butch and 200' millions of... I was InI at that time, and at that time, your point in the struggle against me was "George Bush is kewl and is doing g00d to the US - you InI can't say a thing because the girl in me is too weak to take the fact that my choices are dangerous to millions of other beings, and my wealth is STOLEN".

And the contrast between reality and the current emptiness in Arkham would indeed push one's mind to the edge, but then...

I start remembering 1984, and how people invented Big Brother -themselves-, how societies got formatted from within to the extent of alienating theyre own inner creative potential.

That is just what you do.
And you do it here.
And you do it daily.

And you do it everytime you caress your willy while seeking for words to back up your numbness on important topics, or on bashing me, or on playing your Guru comedy.

And it does make me want to barf. But mostly, as in 1984, it reminds me of the importance of being myself and living every single penny of what makes me unique,
and fostering different and "better" thinking to balance the mediocre and predictable -you-.

I'll even make your masturbation session funnier today by adressing what you'd call a "point" :

I have been through a succesful therapy last year, from "failure neurosis", a minor disease, to full fledged self confidence and balance between what Freud called the "me" and the "it", instead
of increased activity of the "it".

And I've been contacted years ago by MENSA for special tests for the "higher IQ doods". I also was InI at that time.

And my diploma project, for nightly studies, is made in cooperation with , and is something huge. WHILE I am also writing three chapters on OpenGL for a uni book,
with the designer of the OS of "smacky 100" computers.

And that is not about stroking my resume : by now I have nothing to prove to assholes like you.

That is about real world achievement, the thing you'll never really caress, in the place where there are no orange cells to make you feel like you're special.
The place where I would love ripping your guts off for the sole fact you certainly voted for the guy who slaughtered 500'000 iraqis in the name of petrol ownership.

I'd call that justice.

About breaking the Asylum, it would be so easy... get to black rat forum, post asylum phpinfo, under the name "Tyberius Prong", and immitate his immense idiocy in pointing out the fact that
"that guy Mauro is bragging but the Asylum is really secure, I r00l." As I had said, it would take me a web browser and I would -and could- not be accused, I wouldn't even have to take care of the wet works.

OR it could be a networking exercise, crafting the right packets, carefully checking ports after having made sure I can't be backtracked, measuring noise, packet fragmentation, carefully controlling routing...
And turning this place upside down so well that it would not be back up before days or weeks.

I could also organize some way to DDos the place, another interesting, distributed programming exercise.

I still haven't done it.

In the end, while your masturbation sessions inside an orange cell ARE harmful to mankind and occidental mentality...

You're just a fucking insignificant cowboy yourself.

While your existence -is- an insult to mine and anybody aware of what happens around the world for having seen it with theyre OWN EYES...

You just are a cowboy who doodles and says stupid things on a daily basis in an Orange cell. show me the way to the Doctor's, will ya? Is he the same guy who doles out your own meds? The same guy who recommended you exorcise your own neurosis by
"tracking" me and being a pain in the ass for no apparent reason on a constant basis?

While I think you do deserve to die in pain and sorrow, and while I do think -out of logical and pragmatic reflexion- that many people around this place deserve the same treatment.

I am no judge.

I'll keep working on my current assigment, I'll keep cleansing the shit occidental, 1984 style zombies like you keep causing, and will happily keep making a comfortable living out of it.

- Your pal,

Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist

From: Inside THE BOX
Insane since: May 2000

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 03:24 Edit Quote

My god. You are frighteningly disturbed, man.

Lunatic (VI) Inmate

From: under the bed
Insane since: Feb 2000

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 04:50 Edit Quote



Hey - whatever it takes to make yourself feel better, Mauro. But I will reiterate - you are in serious need of continuing mental help. Real, professional help. The more the better. Your rants about your "specialness" and your success aside, as Wes, said, you are a deeply disturbed individual, and no amount of throwing your rambling nonsensical and ignorant insults at people will change that.

I seriously hope, for your own sake, that you do seek, find, and use the help that you need. I am sorry for you that it takes this kind of outburst on a regular basis for you to get the things out that you need to. There are much better ways...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Dublin, Ireland
Insane since: Jul 2000

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 14:11 Edit Quote

I think he's enjoying it.

Anyone ever seen someone waffle on while off their head on cocaine?

The smiley faces at the start of his sentences reminds me of a guy i know who laughs before his own jokes.

Starting an argument on the internet is so utterly pointless.
(I'll like to point that out before this is misinterpreted as one)

oh and Mauro, unnecessary longer words don't make you smart they just make you look like your trying to appear smarter.

Tyberius Prime
Maniac (V) Mad Scientist with Finglongers

From: Germany
Insane since: Sep 2001

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 16:40 Edit Quote

I cohabitate with a cat that keeps peeing in the bathroom, same room her food is being served in.
Appart from a minor heart problem that's being treated, she otherwise seems both healthy and happy -
and there's a distinctive change in her behaviour when she doesn't like a brand of food.

Normaly, training cats to use their potty is straight forward: Move her every time she looks like she's about to pee.
Problem is, she only does it when you're not around. And I mean both the 'not at home for 8 hours' and the 'just left
room 15 seconds ago' kind. Not always the same spot in the room as well. ( Think floor, shower, bathtub, newspaper below

There's also her sister around, who I have no such problem with.
Maybe I should also mention that she's moved into this place about 7 months ago, and has been primarily an indoors cat
for at least the last two years.

I've tried
-moving their food to where they pee.
-a second potty, it was accepted and used by her, but the behaviour didn't stop.
-scented cleaning solutions
-pheromons. might have helped, but didn't stop it completly.

So, do any of you have any suggestions on what it might be and what else I could try?

so long,

->Tyberius Prime

Maniac (V) Mad Librarian

From: the space between us
Insane since: Sep 2002

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 17:05 Edit Quote

just listening to Tool - The Pot. this song fits somehow in here.

While I think you do deserve to die in pain and sorrow, and while I do think -out of logical and pragmatic reflexion- that many people around this place deserve the same treatment.

this is too much. keep such thoughts out of here, or even better: keep yourself out of here, idiot! you should get banned for that!

The Space Between Us | My Blog:

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 17:17 Edit Quote

Tyberius Prime said:

So, do any of you have any suggestions on what it might be and what else I could try?

hmm....have you taken her to a vet to check on a UTI? Girl cats (and dogs) get these things more than humans do. One of my dogs has one right now and it sucks. She pee's about 50 times a day, or tries to at least.

If she is clear of crystals in the UTI test, then possibly she could be competing with her sister. Marking her territory. Or, it could be stones. I doubt that one though. But first I would take her to the vet and have them check for a UTI.

Good luck.



Maniac (V) Inmate

From: 2 steps away from a los angeles curb
Insane since: Nov 2003

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 19:37 Edit Quote

errr, I like the spinny 3d things?

Is This Thing On?

Webbing; the stuff that sticks to your face.

Maniac (V) Mad Scientist

From: 100101010011 <-- right about here
Insane since: Mar 2000

IP logged posted posted 11-20-2006 22:50 Edit Quote

I've heard that you start with putting the kitty litter tray down
Next to the toilet to begin with. Once that's there
I think you can start to lift the tray off the ground
I think something like a phone book works pretty well to get it up to toilet level.
So once it's up there you then move it on top of the toilet.
From there you then pour out the kitty litter on a layer of saranwrap over the bowl
Under the toilet seat. That way the
Cat pees on the toilet into the
Kitty litter. Now you have the cat doing most of the work.
I think the
Next step would be to slowly remove more and more kitty litter so the cat is
Going in less and less litter.
Now once the litter is gone the cat should be
Used to peeing in the bowl
Then you are pretty much done.
Simply watch and enjoy the cat doing all the work for you.

.:[ Never resist a perfect moment ]:.

Maniac (V) Inmate

Insane since: May 2001

IP logged posted posted 11-21-2006 00:55 Edit Quote

bitdamaged, you have earned a new respect from me.



Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: London
Insane since: Jun 2003

IP logged posted posted 11-21-2006 17:08 Edit Quote

Yeah but how do you teach it to flush?

and wash its paws...

Paranoid (IV) Inmate

From: Dublin, Ireland
Insane since: Jul 2000

IP logged posted posted 11-22-2006 05:35 Edit Quote

bitdamaged: Do you know if that technique actually works? I'd give a go training my cats if i thought it was likely that they'd actually take to it. Funny shit all the same.

Maniac (V) Inmate

From: The Land of one Headlight on.
Insane since: May 2001

IP logged posted posted 11-22-2006 12:43 Edit Quote

"Yeah but how do you teach it to flush?"

Not a problem.....

And as for toilet training...

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it." Mark Twain

(Edited by NoJive on 11-22-2006 12:46)

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