OZONE Asylum
Venus versus the Cranefly
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I still owe y'all a detailed explanation of just how Venus has three little trip hairs inside the trap that have to be touched at least twice before the "mouth" closes. Even then, if there is no struggle and the triggers are not touched again the mouth will open again. This is to prevent our little Venus wasting energy trying to catch and digest any debris that may accidentally be blown in. [img]http://tao.serveit.org/asylum/honeytrap.jpg[/img] Here is my other carnivorous pet I think the full name is Honeydew but I call her honey :) Not too sure if you can tell from this but each leaf is covered it tiny hairs with a globule of sticky stuff at the tip. If the insect still struggles as this one did here the leaf actually folds over completly trapping the poor little fella, who is then slowly absorbed. By the way I got a new camera last week a gorgeous Canon EOS 400D so I be spending most of my spare time getting used to the feel and the many functions. 'tis just a tad intimidating at the moment. [url=http://tao.serveit.org/tao.htm]::tao::[/url]::[url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/5635] [IMG]http://tao.serveit.org/sigs/taoboogie.gif[/IMG] ::cell::[/url]
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