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Christmas presents - the digital era...
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I would love to get a new camera - but my tastes are in the wishful thinking category - so I'll settle for the company of family and friends. I still maintain the best gift you can give is not a material one..particularly for those people who really don't need anything (moms, aunts, etc.) - this can range from framing a photo you took, writing a poem, or taking them out for supper and/or a show. The worst gift you can give somone is digital fruitcake (or analog fruitcake for that matter). As for me, I already got my xmas gift on nov. 11th and it rocked. it went something like this: [i]Don't wish it away Don't look at it like it's forever Between you and me I could honestly say That things can only get better And while I'm away Dust out the demons inside And it won't be long Before you and me run To the place in our hearts Where we hide[/i] ~ Luxury is the wolf at the door and its fangs are the vanities and conceits germinated by success. When an artist learns this, he knows where the danger is. ~ http://www.sleepingwolves.com/
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