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Does this PC Configuration Purchase Make Sense?
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[quote] [b]countryboy said:[/b] Jason, could you tell me your reason? [/quote] I swore to myself a long time ago that Windows 2000 would be the last Microsoft OS I would use before jumping to Linux. I am a bit of a hypocrite because I have been using XP with this new system (although its my first install of XP), but I plan on wiping and reinstalling soon. I don't see any positives to jumping to Vista. The promises of new bells and whistles far outweigh the probability of new headaches, security problems, and resources taken from the computer. I play games on my consoles, use notepad for web development, and browse the internet with Firefox. The most taxing thing I use is photoshop, and it didn't annoy me on my slower p4 with 1/2 a gig of ram, so running it on this system is pure candy to me. Doubling the ram would make it even better, but I can do that some time down the road. Its fine as it is right now. I must be getting old, because I used to only build my own systems and always aimed for just below the latest and greatest. I cannot build this system for this cheap, which is ultimately why I bought it. For the price, who cares if some things might be slightly lacking. Its far better than what I was using, and that was doing me perfectly fine. And I have to admit, there is a huge appeal to just plugging it in that I have never enjoyed before. Although, definitely do a clean install without all the hidden crap. You also can find similar systems from Compaq, HP, Acer and of course Dell for roughly the same cash. Jason
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