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Does this PC Configuration Purchase Make Sense?
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k, i'm not even bothering to read the other posts, so, excuse if i am being parallel to someone else. That's one of the things i noticed when i went to the states. People buy computers as if they are televisions, in big card boxes. Here in europe, people tend to go for packages made from picked out pieces. They pick up a pre made model and "put this in, take this out" it around. So, they say they offer winxp. It probably is a package deal, only suitable for that machine. You put the cd and the thing most likely formats your disk/partition and installs xp with all the necessary drivers and menus and publicity. Or it can be real winxp cd. So check that out. 256MB nVidia GeForce 7300LE TurboCache <- the LE is NOT a good thing. It stands for Light Edition, and basically means you are getting the geforce 7300 with half the pixel pipelines. That does effectively decrease in half or so the graphic card performance. Those cards are made so you buy another one like it later and SLI link them together. Not a good buy. Forget all the software that thing has. It's all crappy, and you can find freeware alternatives that are better. That includes adobe read0er: http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/rd_intro.php You say "integrated audio". That means it's integrated into the motherboard. You should check out reviews on the motherboard model. <- very important. Finally, the all overlooked component. The powersupply. Check that out too. AMD tend to overheat, check out if the box is very hot or if it has good ventilation. To sum it up: 0) check out if the winxp is a real xp cd or not 1) graphic card -> the LE is not good 3) the software is all dispensable 4) confirm reviews on motherboard and power supply 5) check out ventilation buy yourself an UPS and add that to the price. [i]~this is not a signature~[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1639]Arthemis[/url] on 11-30-2006 17:30)[/small]
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