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Does this PC Configuration Purchase Make Sense?
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Good points, Arthemis: 0) Undoubtedly a "recovery CD" tailored to the machine - not a real XP CD. It is possible to strip this back to a normal XP CD but may well lack XP extras and components (like a full driver library). 1) LE is not a problem unless you want to play Quake Wars on the thing. For Photoshop, etc, this makes little or no difference. The Turbocaching is more of a performance let-down - it uses on-board memory, rather like an intergrated solution. Calculate your on-board RAM minus the RAM reserved for use by the graphics card. 2) What happened to number two? 3) True, true. I would never go with the packaged choices, especially as many of them are cut-down version for OEM distribution. In fact, it is quite possible to get a refund on the cost of the OS if you reject that altogether - there is a clause in the license covering this... probably easier to Google it. 4) Creative X-Fi with 7.1 channels. I wouldn't complain. Power supply is 305W - this most likely provides adequate power for the basic system considered satisfactory by Dell - I'd consider the PSU a prime upgrade item. 5) No information on fans, but the case design is highly ventilated, with two hard drives mounted behind vents at the front of the machine. It looks like finding mounting points for extra fans would be an issue. ADDENDUM: Be aware that there appear to be USB issues with various distributions of Linux on this machine, so if you plan on junking windows altogether, consider yourself fore-warned! By the way - it looks pretty damn smart for a Dell. It is certainly not the sort of kit you'd mind having displayed top-side of the desk. :) [small][i][b][url=http://www.vectorpark.com/]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.i-am-bored.com]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xsvobod4/amanita/samorost/intro.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://uploads.ungrounded.net/59000/59593_alien_booya.swf]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://members.aol.com/gulfhigh2/words.html]ZZZ[/url][small][url=http://www.kiteretsu.jp/on/grow3/]ZZZ[/url][url=http://www.math.ruu.nl/people/beukers/dawkins/dawkins.html]zzz[/url][url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/23036].....[/url][/small][/small][/small][/small][/small][/b][/i][/small] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 12-01-2006 16:06)[/small]
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