OZONE Asylum
Does this PC Configuration Purchase Make Sense?
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Guys, This is a prebuilt machine. I have no desire or tech know how for bldg one. So I am limited as how much I can mix and match. To say: 3) True, true. I would never go with the packaged choices is no doubt true but with those of use who go with prebuilts we are limited as to the amount of choices we can make. And now for a bit of real heresy....... I only want to buy what I need. I do not want a hot rod. I believe that many people on most boards are building hot rods which is fine for them and perfectly ok. But what most people lose sight of in buying cars or computers is what they trully need. Most people do not need to be the fastest car on the block but they go out and buy it because they have the $ and because they forget about what they need. As I said up above, I do not do gaming so my needs are limited and I don't have the time and tech knowhow for building. In reviewing what most people have said I am impressed by how expert people's answers are and how they answer everything in detail. I want this upcoming computer to last me for as many years as possible so it does take a bit of planning. I thank everyone for their time and expertise. You are maginificent. Country Boy
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