OZONE Asylum
Does this PC Configuration Purchase Make Sense?
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It's all about [b]ram[/b]. Always has been. Always will be. If you can afford 2 gig of ram, for a system capable of using 2 gig of ram.... buy it. Never 'assume' anything when it comes to how you [b]currently [/b]use a computer. Even if you don't opt for the next [b]operating system[/b] what about upgrades to the programs you already use? Any of those programs could, two years from now put out an entirely new version or an upgrade that, you decide you [b]must [/b]have. Well, I have yet to see a new version of any program that requires less ram than its predecessor. Up to a certain point, bang for your buck on upgrading any system is more ram. If you [b]start [/b]with 2 gig you will, in two years from now will be less likely to hear yourself say something like '...those bastards they want a gig of ram to run this thing... I can't afford to buy more ram [b]and[/b] the program.' So if you can afford to[b]start[/b] with more... [b]start[/b] with more. ___________________________________________________________________________ "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it." Mark Twain
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