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Does this PC Configuration Purchase Make Sense?
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from the site [quote] DDR25 is a memory architecture that enables systems to improve performance and reduce power consumption. The amount of RAM you have determines how many programs can be executed at one time and how much data can be readily available to a program. It also determines how quickly your applications perform and how many applications you can easily toggle between at one time. Simply put, the more RAM you have, the more programs you can run smoothly and simultaneously. * Up to 4GB6 Dual-Channel DDR27 SDRAM (533MHz) 7 Dual-channel memory requires 2 each of the same capacity memory DIMMs.[/quote] So that means you are all set. As long as you specifically ask for a memory setup that enables dual core. Now, about the AMD thing - it's not very relevant. What you should worry is about the weirdness of that motherboard. I can't find what model it is anywhere. And i find it weird that it has integrated audio, internet card, and... a geforce 6!? and the expansions slots, are this the slots that will be free after you put in the geforce 7? PCI: 2 Slots PCIe x1: 1 Slot PCIe x16 (Graphics): 1 Slots Okay, what i think now is that this model is basically lowend technology brought up by add-ons. That motherboard is bound to be too weird. Or maybe they change the motherboard according what you ask them to put together. You're better off going to a medium sized computer store (one that you know as having at least two stores in its chain) and asking them to put together a computer from an ASUS or ASRock normal motherboard (with integrated audio and internet card). A quick google search found me this: http://forums.cnet.com/5208-7591_102-0.html?forumID=26&threadID=158223&messageID=1755312 and from there i found this: http://www.monarchcomputer.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv and this http://www.ibm.com/products/us/ edit: check out the "bestsellers" on the monarchcomputer site. Apparently a lot of their motherboards come with an integrated video card, but at least they seem more straightforward about it. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1639]Arthemis[/url] on 12-03-2006 18:47)[/small]
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