IE is up to no good again! 
This time, in the form of magically dissapearing headings when a table is around, and forms aligned like shit.
I am working on this website, which is a pseudo internal website for my workplace, lacking of any sort of server side scripting (actually, not really, we have asp support, but I know shit about it, hopefully we will be installing php in a not so distant future), so most of the "dynamic" stuff is done through javascript.
In any case, for some reason, when I put a table (dynamically generated or not), the heading right above (the <h2> ) suddendly dissapears on IE. It also adds a mysterious top margin. Look for example at and to see what I mean. It seriously pisses me off how in every other browser (well, just ff and opera) looks right, but not at teh cursed ms product! argh
In addition, my little navigation for the calendar and birthday list looks liek crap in comparison to other browsers.
Help me please, because as much as I hate IE6, almost 100% of my target audicence uses it.
Btw, I know my coding is poor, as much of it was done on top of many other stuff. Please feel free to point out my mistakes (and propose effective solutions ;P), as long as you help with my first issue (which has bigger priority).
Thanks in advance.

Sexy Demoness cel
(Edited by Alevice on 01-03-2007 18:43)