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(un)Intelligent Design.
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[quote]It is not even about surviving per se - it is about surviving long enough to reproduce. The more one can reproduce, the better the chances are that those particular genes will be passed on to the species [/quote]WS I see a similarity with this comment and Genesis scripture in " God telling Adam and Eve to be "fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth." Can you explain reproduce to better the genes passed to the species as whole and for what specific reason? On another note regarding the reproduction, maybe deep down, your old Christian ideologies are coming to the surface. To me, all beings are in the making to becoming more perfected humans rather than intelligent humans existing in a more intelligent technological world. Not all are born to become rocket scientist or Rhodes scholars. Some of us are not highly intelligent. And future earthlings not born yet will still become more intelligent than others if we are talking about book smart stuff. What then is it to be intelligent? According to who or what standard? I believe some are called to be different in roles all woven to become a functioning prospering subdued earth. Who is going to clean up our homes and makeup our hotel beds and prepare our take out food? Or work highway construction. And clean our toilets. I don't think we were all created to be highly intelligent. Not that these persons are not intelligent in their field of work. This is why to me evolvement of the stat of the soul is more important that the evolvement of the intelligent mind. Besides, one big atomic terrorist bomb detonated and all the intelligence is out the window. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/3156]jade[/url] on 08-13-2007 19:41)[/small]
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