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(un)Intelligent Design.
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[quote]Plus my beliefs not only apply to me but to billions of others.[/quote] So you are now to the point where you are admitting that your beliefs are only that, beliefs? Well, that is at least some progress. BTW - it has been said before (and I believe DL-44 drove the point home many times, as well), that it does not matter [b]how many[/b] believe in something - that will not make it true, if indeed it is not true. You are making a fundamental error here in logic. You seem to think that the more people that believe in something, the more valid it is, despite the fact that it is just a belief, without supporting evidence. And without supporting evidence, it remains a belief. There are many examples of large amounts of people believing in something, only to find out that what they had believed was wrong. Just think about what Europeans used to think about the shape of the earth before, Jade. Well, it turns out that all who believed the earth was flat were all wrong. EVERY SINGLE ONE of them (and the Catholic Church at the time, as well. So much for the infallibility of the Pope). The numbers supporting a Belief does not make it any more valid than the belief of one. Or none, for that matter. Reliably produced evidence and facts, on the other hand...hey, the earth is round! As for the Tooth Fairy and Santa - there was no tooth fairy in my house. I used to always regard kids in school who used to go on about some sort of imaginative little "thing" that took their teeth and gave them money as...more than a little strange. When I asked them what this thing looked like, they had no idea. And when I asked if they had ever seen such a thing, they were pretty uncomfortable about it. And when I started asking them how they knew such a thing existed, if they had never seen it, they would get angry. My stepfather was jewish. We did not celebrate christmas, and thus, did not have any belief in "Santa". What a strange notion! A person that no-one had ever seen (well, except for people that were dressed up like him, ringing a bell and gathering money), all dressed in red with white trim, who flew about once a year in a sled pulled by flying reindeer?! We used to laugh about kids believing this junk on the reservation. Later in life I learned to keep quiet about such things, as they could get one beat up (after we moved off the reservation). Seems that the believing kids didn't like having their make-believe worlds questioned. I found out early that disbelief or belief in something different was a threat to those who believed or believed differently than I did. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/925]WebShaman[/url] on 08-16-2007 22:27)[/small]
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