OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
(un)Intelligent Design.
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Ok.. I will bow again for this reponse WS [quote]So you are now to the point where you are admitting that your beliefs are only that, beliefs? Well, that is at least some progress.[/quote] I was relating the beliefs with intangibles in early childhood on how most children growing up believe in them.. Not to say all children are exposed to them as you evidently weren't. Though in dealing with our relationship to CHrist we can neither see him or touch him, but we can still profess to know him in the most personal way because he beconds us to him like a magnet 24/7. Santa and the tooth fairy don't call us in the inner "state of being" all through our daily life. For me..I have a reserved space for him in my heart and that is where I make sure he has a place to stay. As he lives there I know I can bear anyting. Call it what you will but I know that. This can also be said about a person one loves dearly like a spouse. Her you can touch. (I forgot are you male? ) Her at your side with all the love you feel you can accomplish anything if she believes in you. But humans can fail you becasue they are weak. Whereas with Christ as your spouse he will never fail you. How can a belief in a good higher being ever be a bad thing unless it comes in the form of a cult that professes the opposite of what really God is. And they use persons or things for the purpose of opposing God.
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