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[quote]Do you believe all persons evolve in their "state of being" with age? What you thought rearding your beliefs about God, were they the same 10 yrs ago. With age you are growing in the wisdom of things by life. Right? I believe 10 yrs from now you may have had a change in your ideals..Not that you may become a member of any sect in religion but circumstances, episodes or other reflections or a person may shape your belief in another direction.[/quote] My freedom came in the middle of a battle in a war. You have no idea what sort of bizarre things runs through a persons mind as bullets are flying through the air, and your buddies, your comrades, your friends are dying around you, others are fighting, like you, and a detacted part of your mind is mechanically, coldly analysing all this. It came to me clearly - there [b]IS[/b] no God. I saw as those who believed as firmly in a Supreme Being bleed out their last dying breathes - and there was no God there, to save them. In fact, I saw those who did not believe survive. I heard alot calling out to a Supreme Being. I also saw those who thought that a Supreme Being would protect them die in a hail of bullets. It dawned on me that my faith was just belief, and I realized just how shallow and hollow it truly was in the face of reality. I mean brutal reality, the kind that not many get to face anymore. [b]IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE IN REALITY WHAT ONE BELIEVES![/b] A bullet does not care. That was the beginning. I later, after the war was over, had more time to sit down with myself and sort things out. I basically had to rebuild my whole belief foundation. My reality check had nothing to do with age, or with wisdom. It had to do with finally accepting REALITY. As DL has pointed out here [quote] quote: jade said: I don't believe Gods oppose each other for the simple truth is that there is only one God. The simple opinion that there is only one god. Many gods are worshipped throughout the world, and each worshipper believes as strongly and with as much reason to believe in theirs as you have in yours...[/quote] Belief is just that - an opinion, a faith in something that one cannot prove, because there is no evidence to support it. And it will not stop a bullet. I know. I have seen that reality. [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i]
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