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While I understand and respect your stance, Master Suho, you have to recognize that belief does not stop a bullet. That is the cold, hard fact of the matter. If you can prove otherwise, please do so. That in and of itself is not an irrevocable fact that a god cannot exist. This is also not what I am saying. I am saying that no amount of Faith or Belief is going to cause that bullet that is going to hit you not to. In fact, no amount of belief or faith will change any of the natural laws. This is what I meant when I said that I had to accept reality, as it is. In light of that realization, it leaves very little room for a god, especially the god that is mentioned in the Bible, or for that matter, other holy books (where it IS suggested that such a god can bend the natural laws, and in some cases, actually does so). Now, if we want to talk about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, sure. We can do that. After all, it is not going to try to bend any of the natural laws for you (or me, or anyone else, for that matter), regardless of how one pleads, begs, prays, or asks. That neither proves, nor disproves, that the Flying Spaghetti Monster exists. @ Jade - I cannot (and will not) answer for those who have been through battle and war. I can only answer for myself. I do know some that became religious after their experiences in war (and equally, others who disposed of their belief). I can offer explanations for such behavior, but truly, they (and probably only they) know the true answers. I can only speak for myself (which I have). I do have a question for you, Jade - what about those who believe in multiple gods? How do they fit into your "universal god" belief? What about those who believe not in gods, but in animal totems, spirits, etc? [url=http://faq.ozoneasylum.com/397/]WebShaman[/url] | [i]The keenest sorrow (and greatest truth) is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities. - Sophocles[/i] [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/925]WebShaman[/url] on 08-25-2007 03:16)[/small]
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