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(un)Intelligent Design.
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[quote] [b]Arthemis said:[/b] Here's my 2 cents anyway:Intelligent design, just declares that if you find something that in its complexity and functionality, if detached from one of its parts, becomes completely useless and unfunctional (along with this detached part), then it is plausible to say that that something was planned, or better yet, that that something had an intelligent designer. [/quote] 1) This is not entirely accurate as far as what ID is saying 2) It does not stand any sort of scientific test, and it has been shown repeatedly that many so called irreducibly complex forms do indeed follow an evolutionary path where parts of performing one function are adapted to a new function as part of some other apparatus. ID is not casually thrown aside, it has been scrutinized ad nauseum and found completely lacking merit and completely lacking in a scientific foundation. . As for the big bang - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang is a good place to start.
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