OZONE Asylum
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(un)Intelligent Design.
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[quote] [b]Arthemis said:[/b] As the emergence of a flagellum could not be explained by evolution. They presented it as being something with complex parts which were useless when separated, and chance would not bring them together. Mind you it is possible. But very very unlikely. It would be an immense energy gap for an evolutionary jump. [/quote] Once again, this is an argument for ID that is simply incorrect, and has been proven so. Just becuase separating the parts as they exist now might make them useless (which in itself is not an established fact), does not mean that they did not serve some purpose prior to being adapted to their current function. This, in fact, is exactly how evolution does things. This is a very well covered area, for which a simple web search will provide weeks worth of quality reading material...
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