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(un)Intelligent Design.
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@webshaman Point taken. Google is your friend, not mine. I'm just a girl that read a few books, and wrote a few things. But i *do* know well what i know, and it was only from that i wrote what i wrote above. [quote]which gives an advantage above and beyond a form that is in every other way similar except for being streamlined[/quote] This made me point out you have a misconception in your definition of evolution. Actually, you miss a step in your definition. So i was worrying about that, before working around to ID. But thank you for pointing out i didn't read what you wrote, i really appreciate it. [quote]I hope to be accurate.[/quote] You are mistaking "precision" with "accuracy". A common malady in rationality. I'll admit to needing a bit more precision in my constructin, but, i am willing to sacrifice a bit of precision in the search for accuracy. [quote]I suggest reading these : Irreducible Complexity and Michael Behe and Irreducible Complexity Demystified All from here - Talk Origins FAQs[/quote] The flagellum use by ID advocates took quite a beating after everyone started screaming "WITCH!", i'm also quite aware of that. Thats a good thing. It will make the other party work harder and so on and so forth. [quote]I stated that one of the properties of Evolution is random change, not that Evolution only consists of it![/quote] You can even throw a dictionary at me, but once again i point out: that is wrong. [b]Evolution can occur without random chance, and there can be random changes without any evolution.[/b] Evolution is about finding the way of best leaping the entropy barrier that allows for producing entropy producing machines. (from Rudolph Clausius) [quote] Evolution in (Brownian) space: a model for the origin of the bacterial flagellum[/quote] Now, excuse me for not reading this article now, but it starts with the "in Brownian space" in its title and that throws me a bit off. As it should throw off anyone. It also lacks an abstract and seems to have a bloated bibliography. Both are a bit of a turn off. I'll get to it, starting with the background information on the article. http://www.talkdesign.org/faqs/flagellum_background.html Still, in 4.3 of this article you can see where the authors wisely self-criticize and try to validate these kind of models trough their usefulness. In modern science, i would put ID side to side with every other concept such as the string-theory, they are both searching for validation. You could say it belongs with something like Phrenology, which is now only pseudo-science, but, ID is a bit fresher, and i for one, am totally open to what it may bring. It is no coincidence that most more recent nobel prizes have been awarded to those who could show that what we think is true, is not. So don't be so stuck up. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/1639]Arthemis[/url] on 11-28-2007 19:28)[/small]
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