Ever wished that sometimes you could say no???
One of my family is getting married and asked me to do a cartoon for their wedding invitations... ok not so difficult i thought so i said yes (huge mistake)
been bashing my head against a brick wall even though i know exactly what they want i cant get it good enough for such an important occaision.
here is whats needed.
Cartoon style (black and white) no shading simple line drawing.
Bride and groom in JUDO outfits bowing facing each other and kissing.. bride should have veil on and holding flowers in her hands his hands should be in the usual palms together pose.
if anyone could help with this one i would appreciate it.. its a freebie unfortunately as i cant really charge my family.
i would need the cartoon in high res format.
thanks for any offers of help, this is the only place i could think of that has some great artists.