OZONE Asylum
Chimps spotted using caves, like early Humans.
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Poi: Thanks for the welcome, I agree with you, there is a difference. Behaviors that appear identical in action and outcome can be differentiated by impetus; i.e. 1) domestic training, 2) natural adaptation, or even 3) a guilt-complex nurtured by the incessant nagging of a mother who just doesn't know when to quit using her passive-aggressive comments and off-handed remarks with the skill of a surgeon wielding a laser-fine scalpel, slicing away any dignity or pride, depleting you with out even an ounce of emotional strength to lift up your chin or stand on your own two feet, so you don't bother, rationing your energy instead towards adopting and accepting the pathos of a Pavlovian slave, because then and only then can you cope with whatever She defines as the next button to push or what lever to pull next, doing exactly as she dictates so you can get that minuscule serotonin fix provided by the memory--THE MEMORY of receiving a food pellet, because the real food pellets stopped long ago along with the ability to discern "why the hell is my Mom feeding me food pellets from the pet store? or why did She start calling them bobby pellets after my brother bobby disappeared/escaped." God I hope he made it. Besides what were you alluding to riding horses and enslaving us. "You mean a planet where Ape evolved from Man?" That's not anymore likely than say.. I dunno seeing the Statue of Liberty fallen washed up on some shore. EpicGilgamesh "Convince me you are not a figment of my imagination -- but don't prove it." Guy Edwards 1973-1998 [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6511]EpicGilgamesh[/url] on 05-05-2007 10:51)[/small]
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