OZONE Asylum
Chimps spotted using caves, like early Humans.
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Every time they discover evidence of "lesser or primitive" apes demonstrating specific behaviors that were once thought only within the realm of modern humans, it blows me away how surprised we act. I mean I have seen the more primitive primates forge and distribute bags of peanuts at the mere sound of an organ grinder. When was the last time you saw a human do that? Trust me I have seen documented footage from multiple films sources, some of this footage is well over a hundred years old. And even 30 years ago there was a documentary hosted by Clint Eastwood, chronicling an orangutan named "Clyde" that actually used hand signals to communicate the direction it intended to turn while in traffic. This alone obviously implicates an inevitable eventual rediscovery of an orangutan highway system complete with evidence of the vehicles they built and drove. Chimps crawling into a cave to stay dry? C'mon! beetles do that! Big deal. EpicGilgamesh "Convince me you are not a figment of my imagination -- but don't prove it." Guy Edwards 1973-1998
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