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Rather than hijack [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/29201]kimson's thread[/url] on laptops, I thought I'd open a new thread about keyboards. poi wrote: [quote] Or maybe Dell's keyboards' layout is more retarded than I thought. I really don't like having the Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Delete, Insert keys in a 2x3 grid. It should be 3x2, like the arrow keys. Oh well at least they don't have that smallReturn key I've seen on US keyboard. It's no longer if the shape of a fat '7', but the size of the Ctrl key. Weird. Yeah, yeah I know I'm an*l about keyboards layout. [/quote] I think a lot of us get anal about keyboards since we spend so much time with them everyday. I have three keyboards that I bought two or three years ago. They are MircoSoft brand keyboards with a natural (split) layout. They are "pretty" keyboards in shades of blue and grey. I have three major complaints about them 1) MircoSoft decided to totally botch-up the keypad where the Home, End, PageUp, PageDown and Delete keys are. Rather than the 3x2 layout that was used for several years they decided to make it 2x3 and made the Delete key use two of those spaces so they had to remove the Insert key. It took me almost a year to get used to that arrangement. I was constantly hitting Home when I wanted to hit Insert and hitting PageDown when I wanted to hit End. (I think this is the same thin po1 is complaining about) 2) The Function keys are not active on these keyboards. You have to engage the Fxn Key Lock to get them to work and then there is a bright green light that comes on to [b]remind[/b] you that the function keys are active. It just drives me nuts.I also leave it off most of the time which means that when I want to boot into safe mode , for example, I end up re-booting the machine two or three times because I forget to enable Fxn-Key Lock before re-booting. 3) A couple of months after getting the keyboards, the keys on all of them started to stick. Most of the time it's just a nuisance because a key doesn't depress as fast as I want, but sometimes, I almost have to stand on the key to get it to depress. The larger keys (Enter, Shift, Ctrl) seem to be the worst. I really like to use natural (split) keyboards and it's really hard to find good ones. I have one I like a lot. It came with my Gateway server about ten years ago and I haven't had any problems with it, yet (I notice that it also has the name MircoSoft on it) I don't have the problem you guys seem to have with the smaller Return keys (all of my keyboards seem to use the small key), but, I really hate a keyboard with sticky keys. What keyboards do you guys use? Where did you get them? . -- not necessarily stoned... just beautiful. [url=http://www.hyperbole-software.com/] [img]http://www.hyperbole-software.com/ozone/hyperbole-88x33.gif[/img] [/url]
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