It's very "New Rave" and I think that's the point.
I happen to know a little about the concept for the project. this video was played to the design team to show the kind of energy that was wanted for the Olympic brand (toned down a little bit of course).
This is kind of the think that the kids are into these days in urban London.
Personally I like it, as I understand, it will evolve over the run to the Olympics, it's very bold and a stark contrast to what previous Olympics have stood for (except for Mexico 68), so why not? I say.
This is kind of the think that the kids are into these days in urban London.
BLIMEY! I need to get out a bit more I feel very old and very tired after watching this, thanks
I have nothing against the "bonkiness" of this logo, it represents a wacky city in a wacky country very well unfortunately it does not seem to appeal to the British public... I doubt that half the nation will identify to it, never mind the rest of the world, and this is my biggest concern.
Then again, whatever the logo, the British public will find something to moan about! I can understand their confusion though, they seem to take this as an attempt from Wolff Olins to play the 'smart arse' and get away with 400K.
I like the effort, although it took my workmate to point out to me - a graphic designer - that it actually reads 2012. I felt very humble afterwards, somewhat distraught.
Anyway, I always like a good laugh
P.S. This logo is bad, it makes me use way too many slimeys
Hmm... I guess they wanted something edgy. Literally. It doesn't strike me as a very "approachable" mark--all those sharp angles seem a bit hostile.
Thus I find the first line on that branding page puzzling: "London 2012 will be everyone?s Games, everyone?s 2012."
If 2012 is everyone's Games, why not make a friendlier mark?
By the way, if you want some really bad branding, I've got two words for you: Korea, Sparkling. Uh... what? We English speakers over here are still trying to figure this one out (the amazing part about it is that it was supposedly coined by a native English speaker).
That's all I'd have to say if I was limited to a single word. Simply- crap. Of course, I never stop at one word, do I? How about: "£400,000's-worth of crap"!!
Then again, this is the city that pledged £25,000,000 to renovate the Cutty Sark. A f***ing ship!! How many replicas could be built for that money? How much would such a sum achieve for a children's hospital?? Heritage is one thing, but I get the feeling there's a cowboy ship-builder somewhere planning his retirement with glee...
In the Metro (free TfL newsrag), they asked people what they make of the London 2012 logo. As an example, they arranged the shapes to make "K-9 looking at two ducks"... which I found amusing (especially being an unashamed Doctor Who fan).
It went something like this:
The BBC draws attention to the similarities with the logo used by Tiswas (and the similarities are pretty marked). I found the following excerpt rather apt, too:
quote:Michael Hamilton of branding consultants, The Hamiltons, says: "I love it. It's got vibrancy and youth and energy and fun. I think it will appeal to young people because it's different and attempting to really focus on them as a group.
"It promises the younger generation a different Olympics, a fun Olympics. It's interesting that it will work as animated as well as static."
Branding expert Jonathan Gaby says the youth market is the most sophisticated of them all and it takes more than jagged writing to make something "edgy". This insults the intelligence of Londoners, he says.
Yup, patronising and crap.
I had a play around, and I came up with a one-legged man dancing like an egyptian... but it still looks like crap, so I'm keeping it to myself.
As for being 'edgy' and 'graffiti-style'... what a great hairy truckload of total bollocks! If this was the intention of the designers (who took a year and nearly half a million pounds to come up with it), then perhaps they should have spent a little time doing some research rather than spending their inordinate fees on the daily magnum of Bollie.
[soapbox mode] Personally I think the whole Olympic thing has become a big pile of steamy crap. It's a for profit enterprise that epitomizes corporate welfare.
I was absolutely thrilled earlier this year when Halifax Nova Scotia withdrew its bid to host the commonwealth games. One of the few times I can recall some politicians actually saying... I don't think we have the money. And lets face it that's what these things are all about.
And if they insist on staging these spectacles I want to see the athletes juiced to the max. Make the games a showcase for the latest and greatest advances in steroid development and application.
Taxpayers are left with huge debts that are in no way proportional with Olympic records.
Roger Bannister ran a 4 minute mile some 50 years ago. For the money we're spending don't you think we should be 3 minutes or less by now? How about the 100 metres in 7 seconds? I don't think that's asking too much. With today's technology pole vaulters should be reaching 30 feet as a matter course.
Juice'em up and let's get at it...
[/soapbox mode off]
"Capitalism hears all prayers...." Lore Sjöberg
Suho: Is it a glitch in the Internet file, or did the Korea, Sparkling ad actually say "Korea..ah, Spark..arkling"?
The campaign reminds me of a similar one we had her in Indiana many years ago. Whoever designs state mottos made one for Indiana that said "Wander Indiana". Of course, it was designed into the automobile license plates and everyone wondered what it meant. A couple of years later the state government put an ad on TV explaining all the places in Indiana you could wander to. Shortly after that they changed the state motto to something else.
It makes me wonder if the same person came up with your "Korea, Sparkling" idea.
So now the video for the logo has been withdrawn as a result of the discovery that it induces a seizure in those with photosensitive epilepsy.
I think FUBAR is an appropriate appraisal of the branding campaign so far.
The Sun received a great submission (apparently) from a reader, and printed it today. It's amazing how such a small alteration helps the logo really take the shape of something recognisable... *LOL*
quote:To Whomsoever deserves a flogging for this atrocity,
Well done. Just when my shame and disgust were cresting, and my opinion of my own country couldn't get any lower, you launch this vile and repulsive logo - an attack no less - against my very own city!
What on earth possessed you to so openly express your obvious contempt for your fellow Londoners in this manner?!
A year, plus £400,000?!? It speaks to the younger generation alright - in the tones of a condescending and dim-witted moron! The impression I get from this is parody; a poor Ali-G impersonation; a pensioner in a baseball cap yelling "Yo!" at his 'bredwins'! I would be surprised if youth-related crime didn't double as a direct result of the insult you've inflicted upon all the children of this country with this filth.
I hate to agree with old Adolf Kensington, but you really must ask what was actually done for the money. An appropriate appraisal of this whole branding campaign, in my honest personal opinion, would be FUBAR.
Thanks for yet another reason to consider emigration.
Sorry Blaise - of course, you're right. I should really keep some things to myself.
I have a habit of calling Ken Livingstone Ol' Adolf Kensington. I have absolutely no recollection why I started doing this, but I do recall that there was a mind-bogglingly brilliant reason at some point. I'm sure I thought I was being clever, but now I've read it, I cringe a little.
It wouldn't be the first time I countered a moment of mental boredom with an impulsive and regrettable expression, statement or act. In fact, I can be quite creative regarding methods of self-humiliation in pursuit of my own sardonic amusement.
I either take things too seriously or clown like a loon (or fail miserably to meld the two into something resembling wit). It's a curse.
To be perfectly honest though, every time I look at that monstrosity, I hate it a little more. To me, it increasingly represents so much that is wrong. If this country is all about throwing away money on meaningless crap; (poor) style and publicity over substance; being a loud and careless belligerent; ignoring the opinion of the common tax-payer; Big Brother topping popularity charts*... then the logo speaks volumes to me and should probably stand at the very least as an icon of my ire; symbol and Day-Glo example of that which causes my discontent.
If there is an ounce of decency left in any of sufficient authority, then this whole branding catastrophe would be scrapped in preference of something more tasteful; more positively representative of this advanced, vibrant, culturally and historically rich, diverse and dynamic city. Perhaps this will happen and a little of my waning faith will be restored. Maybe I'll have a reason not to spout such tired crap any more.
Instead, just maybe, they'll replace it with something that a Londoner, and a Briton, could be proud of.
*I just had to get a random dig at BB in there. If 'it' was a real person, I'd shake him warmly by the throat.
Suho: Is it a glitch in the Internet file, or did the Korea, Sparkling ad actually say "Korea..ah, Spark..arkling"?
You're right... there does seem to be a few skips at the end. How deliciously embarrassing. They show it every now and then on the Discovery channel here (Discovery Asia), and obviously it runs fine there. I try not to cry when Rain says, "Korea, Spockling" at the end. Why would you choose a word that most Koreans can't pronounce properly? Also, I hate Rain.
quote: hyperbole said:
The campaign reminds me of a similar one we had her in Indiana many years ago. Whoever designs state mottos made one for Indiana that said "Wander Indiana".
All these slogans are confusing me... if nothing else can be said about the London atrocity, we can at least say that it doesn't have a ridiculous slogan attached to it.