![]() Topic awaiting preservation: Need some help / PHP / Jetbox .... (Page 1 of 1) |
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Cali |
![]() Hey Guys I'm in need of some help with a cms i'm trying to work out. code: <? //opentree opentree($item); addbstack('', 'Home'); $t->set_var("breadcrum", $breadcrumstack); //opentree content function opentree($item){ global $wfqadd, $t, $primarray, $absolutepathfull, $absolutepath, $treestack, $sitename, $eval_result; $t->set_file("block", "main_tpl.html"); if ($item){ backtrackopentree($item); $t->set_var("breadcrum", $treestack); $treeq = "SELECT struct.*, opentree.*, struct.id AS structid, opentree.id as opentree_id FROM struct, opentree WHERE opentree.id=struct.content_id ".$wfqadd." AND struct.container_id=11 AND struct.id=".$item; $treer = mysql_prefix_query($treeq) or die(mysql_error()); if ($treearray = mysql_fetch_array($treer)){ $opent = new Template("./"); // decode page content $decodedcontent = unserialize($treearray["content"]); $sqlselecttemplate = "SELECT * FROM opentempl WHERE opentempl.id='".$treearray["t_id"]."'"; $resulttemplate = mysql_prefix_query ($sqlselecttemplate) or die (mysql_error()); if ($resultarraytemplate = mysql_fetch_array($resulttemplate)){ $opent->set_file("block", $resultarraytemplate["t_file"]); // decode template data $decodedtemplateconfig = unserialize(stripslashes($resultarraytemplate["t_data"])); // field 0 // namefield 2 while (list($val, $var)= each($decodedtemplateconfig)){ $opent->set_var(array ($var[0]=> stripslashes($decodedcontent[$var[0]]),$var[0]."name"=> $var[2])); } $opent->set_var(array ("pagetitle"=> $treearray["page_title"])); $opent->parse("b", "block"); } // Navigation $treecq = "SELECT struct.*, opentree.*, struct.id AS structid, opentree.id as opentree_id FROM struct, opentree WHERE opentree.p_id=".$treearray["opentree_id"]." ".$wfqadd." AND struct.container_id=11 AND struct.content_id=opentree.id ORDER BY position ASC"; $treecr = mysql_prefix_query($treecq) or die(mysql_error()); $treeccount = mysql_num_rows($treecr); if ($treeccount>-1){ while ($treecarray = mysql_fetch_array($treecr)){ $nav.="<a href=\"".$absolutepathfull."item/".$treecarray["structid"]."\">".$treecarray["nav_title"]."</a><br>"; } } } $t->set_var("itemtitle", $treearray["page_title"]); $t->set_var("pagetitle", $sitename." - ".$treearray["page_title"]); $t->set_var("pagekeywords", $treearray["keywords"]); $t->set_var("pagedescription", $treearray["description"]); $t->set_var("robots", $treearray["robot"]); $t->set_var("leftnav", $nav); $content=$opent->get("b"); $t->set_var("containera",$content); } } function html2specialchars($str){ $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES)); return strtr($str, $trans_table); } function function_date($a){ global $eval_result; //echo "Asdasdas"; $eval_result=date("d-M-Y"); } //Used to track back the full hierarchy of the currently displayed tree page //current item and back function backtrackopentree($item){ global $wfqadd, $treestack, $absolutepathfull, $breadcrumstack; $treeq = "SELECT struct.*, opentree.*, struct.id AS structid, opentree.id as opentree_id FROM struct, opentree WHERE opentree.id=struct.content_id ".$wfqadd." AND struct.container_id=11 AND struct.id=".$item; $treer = mysql_prefix_query($treeq) or die(mysql_error()); if ($treearray = mysql_fetch_array($treer)){ addbstack($treearray["structid"], $treearray["nav_title"]); $treecq = "SELECT struct.*, opentree.*, struct.id AS structid, opentree.id as opentree_id FROM struct, opentree WHERE opentree.id=".$treearray["p_id"]." ".$wfqadd." AND struct.container_id=11 AND struct.content_id=opentree.id"; $treecr = mysql_prefix_query($treecq) or die(mysql_error()); $treeccount = mysql_num_rows($treecr); if ($treecarray = mysql_fetch_array($treecr)){ if($treecarray["p_id"]<>''){ backtrackopentree($treecarray["structid"]); } } } } ?>
Maniac (V) Inmate From: there...no..there..... |
![]() are the pages using an include statement to put those buttons in the first page? code: <div class="sub-page-button"> <a href="index.php/item/291">Company History</a><br><a href="index.php/item/288">Our Mission Statement</a><br><a href="index.php/item/290">Company Profile</a><br><a href="index.php/item/292">Management</a><br><a href="index.php/item/293">Careers</a><br><a href="index.php/item/294">Careers</a><br><a href="index.php/item/295">Contact Us</a><br> </div>
code: <div class="sub-page-button"> </div>
Paranoid (IV) Mad Scientist From: Cali |
![]() Cprompts, |
Maniac (V) Inmate From: there...no..there..... |
![]() well, what is the code at that point? It has to have some type of include or sql query there or something. I was looking for what the difference is. I don't really want the admin user/pass |