RasViewer The most Smooth, Fast, Free Image Viewer
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/ZoomInOperation.gif" width=652 border=0>

1. My Favorites Management
You can add any folder to [ My Favorites ], make it easy to open wanted images quickly after.
And [ Save Favorite File ] / [ Open Favorite File ] to manage your kinds of Favorites under Main Menu [ File ].
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/ShellTreeview.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/Favorite" width=652 border=0>

2. Private Authorization
User can lock/unlock items in [ My Favorites ]. Protected your private images from watching easily。
And In Main Menu [ File ], use [ Log In ] , [Log out], [Change Password] to access locked ones.
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/OverVi1.jpg" width=652 border=0>

3. The most fast, smooth Zoom In/Out operations
User can easily Zoom In/Out anywere by just using Mouse Wheel. Or Drag an Area in either Big Paint Box or Small Paint box to navigate any detail in a flash.
Much more fast and convenient than ACDSee.
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/ZoomInOperation.gif" width=652 border=0>

Two kinds of Navigate modes, [ Image View ] and [Thumb View].
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/ThumbView.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/ImageView.jpg" width=652 border=0>

4. Batch Rename series, Copy, Delete...
Easy-to-Use to rename image files, do copy, Move, delete... in one step.
5. Rotate, Resize
Easy-to-Use to rename image files, do copy, Move, delete... in one step.
6. Twain Device Import supported, Scanner, WebCam....
Easily select [ File ] / [ Import ] Image from Twain device.
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/WebCam.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/Scanner.jpg" width=652 border=0>

7. The most powerful and easy Printing functions and Print-Preview
Two Print mode, [ Real Mode ] and [ Test Mode ]. The [Real Mode] make "What you see is what you get.", The [Test Mode] let user can test the Alignment of images by printing just image profiles. Once you test ok, then do the [Real Mode] printing.
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/StpRpt02.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/TestPrint.jpg" width=652 border=0>

Two kinds of Image-Printing, Single Image and All Thumbs.
In Main Menu, select [File] / [ Print ] / [ Print Active Image ], Include [ Fit To Page ], [ Orginal size / Split ], [ Percent ], [ Step&Repeat ]... User can adjust kinds of values to get the print layout you want.
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/FittoPage.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/print_OrgSize.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/PercentSize01.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/PercentSize02.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/StpRpt01.jpg" width=652 border=0>

<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/StpRpt02.jpg" width=652 border=0>

In Main Menu, select [File] / [ Print ] / [ Print Thumbs ]
By adjusting the [ Left ], [ Top ], [ Space X], [ Space Y ], [ Thumb W ], [ Thumb H ], [X Num], [Y Num], you can Align all Images into several pages and print them out.
<IMG height=436 src="http://dan59314.myweb.hinet.net/RasViewer/Images/Print_Thumbs.jpg" width=652 border=0>

RasViewer Introduction, Tutorial films and download Web: