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Uh, MMORPGs are taking over the world! Not my cup of tea - though I dabble. I remember when I first played Unreal on an 800MHz machine with a mere 8MB ATI Rage card (no 3D acceleration). It played like a dream, took me forever to complete, and had massive replay value, especially in online multiplayer games. I loved Unreal. After years (YEARS!) of waiting for a sequel, they dumped "Unreal 2 - The Awakening" on us. The graphics were okay, and the gameplay was okay... everything about it was more-or-less 'okay' but for one thing; lack of longevity! I'm not joking when I say it took me a couple of days to complete. To make matters worse, there was no multiplayer capacity; when they finally got around to releasing a free online multi-player add-on, it failed to impress. Doom was a better experience. That cost less on release day than Unreal 2, took weeks to complete (okay, I'm not a 24hr gamer), and was entirely stunning. Okay, so it could have had more to it, but I still go back to Mars for the occassional demon slaying blast from time to time. Half-Life 2 was also worth the blast, and you can't help but feel that you've had your money's worth when the game absorbs you so completely, and isn't over within a day of purchase. I don't know why I started this now, but I've shared it now, so... Oh yes - thanks for introducing me to Gloom, WarJournal! ;)
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