has anyoned played it yet?
i'm at level 19 right now, this game kicks ass
in case you don't know what i am talking about: http://youtube.com/watch?v=oeUjVkJ7seY
yes, there is the orange box which sells for 49.95 dollars, but you can also buy the game seperately (19.95usd)
all this stuff has been released 3 days ago i think
Yes. This game kicks ass. And it's pretty short too (took me 4 hours) so don't worry about the time commitment. On the other hand it has some extra content so it doesn't matter that it's short. $20 on Steam.
I've been working on the challenges. I have gold on all 6 challenge levels for fewest portals, and gold for the first 4 for least time. There are videos on youtube of some crazy accomplishments in terms of least time or portals.
I thought this game looked interesting when it was first hyped, but for $20 (what's that - about a tenner in real money) I would expect at least a little longevity even for a god-like gamer. I think I'll wait for this to show up on special discount through Steam.
I did play Narbacular Drop, upon which Portal is based, and that only lasted a couple of minutes with practice (though some gamers got this down to mere seconds)... but that game was free anyway, so it didn't matter.
I'm not a big gamer but it looks cool. However, like White Hawk I'll wait until it's in the discount rack. $20 for a few hours of play? What happened to games that took days of continuous play to beat?
If you buy the Halo 2 Orange box you get Halo 2, Portal, TF2, and Halo Episodes 1 & 2 all for about $40, if you already own Halo2 you can gift it to a friend via Steam.
Uh, MMORPGs are taking over the world! Not my cup of tea - though I dabble.
I remember when I first played Unreal on an 800MHz machine with a mere 8MB ATI Rage card (no 3D acceleration). It played like a dream, took me forever to complete, and had massive replay value, especially in online multiplayer games. I loved Unreal.
After years (YEARS!) of waiting for a sequel, they dumped "Unreal 2 - The Awakening" on us. The graphics were okay, and the gameplay was okay... everything about it was more-or-less 'okay' but for one thing; lack of longevity! I'm not joking when I say it took me a couple of days to complete. To make matters worse, there was no multiplayer capacity; when they finally got around to releasing a free online multi-player add-on, it failed to impress.
Doom was a better experience. That cost less on release day than Unreal 2, took weeks to complete (okay, I'm not a 24hr gamer), and was entirely stunning. Okay, so it could have had more to it, but I still go back to Mars for the occassional demon slaying blast from time to time.
Half-Life 2 was also worth the blast, and you can't help but feel that you've had your money's worth when the game absorbs you so completely, and isn't over within a day of purchase.
I don't know why I started this now, but I've shared it now, so...
Oh yes - thanks for introducing me to Gloom, WarJournal!
Blaise, you speak blasphemy. You got it backwards. Natural Selection is basically Gloom. That is, Gloom came first.
From what I understand, NS is a little more complicated than Gloom. And I've heard rumours that the average NS match is much shorter than average Gloom match.
Another one that came out not too long ago is Tremulous. It is open source, but I can't remember what engine it was based on. Made by a veteran Gloomer.
The Gloom community isn't what it used to be, but it still has some life in it. I'm not sure about the Trem community. And I did poke around the NS community for a bit and it was rather large at the time.
Apologies for the link, and apologies for the blasphemy.
I've played Tremulous, I was disappointed by the graphics. I like the idea for the game though, the new version of NS (I'm no veteran, but I've read up about it) has some nice features and effects in it, I'm sure there are some good videos on Youtube or their site showcasing some of the features.
I know this is an old thread, but I didn't want to start a new one for what may be considered a non-event by non-gaming asylum dwellers...
...all the same, for anybody who hasn't got Portal yet, has an NVidia graphics card, and wishes to see what they're missing, Valve are offering a free games package via Steam. It includes Portal: First Slice (the first few levels of the game), HL2 Deathmatch, HL2 Lost Coast (the HL2 HDR demo level), and the first few levels of Peggle (a puzzle game). I think it's part of the original Orange Box promotion, but I completely missed it until it was brought to my attention recently.
If you have an NVidia card, what's the harm? Go here for more info and download.