I realise this is rather broad subject but it hasn't been covered since "Architecture" was selected by Bugimus back in April or is it June 2003. I always get the dates mixed up in the 04-06-2003 format.
This week I do be looking for any photographs of buildings that happen to take your fancy enough to photograph POW (Photo of the Week}
With a special thanks to Suho for keeping us on the (relative) straight and narrow path of posting correctly.
1. Photo needs to go along with the subject in some way.
2. Use thumbnails for photos with any dimension larger than 450 px or over 40 kb.
3. Post as many as you want.
4. At the end of the week the person who chose the topic will pick someone to choose the next topic. This isn't a "winner," just someone who gets to suggest the next topic.
5. No critiques (unless requested) this is just to share our photos.
6. No sigs.
Just to get us started here is the Liverpool waterfront taken from the ferry on the Mersey river recently.
This is the Liver Building, an icon of the city of Liverpool with the liver birds at the top.
[doh] So sorry, I've stupidly exceeded the photograph dimensions that I've listed above. I'm hoping this can be overlooked as it's in the length not the width. Otherwise make way for me at the head of the electro theraph cue [/doh]
C:\ Just looking at your album on Piccasa looks like you had a great honeymoon, nice one I particularly noticed how clean the roads were on Meeting St. Mind you my home town Liverpool can be a dirty old town at the best of times I'm sorry to say, I may have become numbed to it.
Well bumped Ian I was er, tangentially preoccupied with a daydream. The spell needed breaking, thanks.
Wakkos, if you're about, how about choosing the next topic?
Again sorry for loosing my bearings with this thread. I'll wait for about 24 hrs then ask someone else if Wakkos has not visited.
[Is there an embarresed slimie?}
In the spirit of "keeping things moving" and covering up for my tardiness earlier I will have to assume that Wakkos is not luurking ready to post a topic as I did email him and have not yet received a reply.
So zavaboy if your out there can you pick a new POW topic please?
Well spotted Ian
This is an update of my first photo in this thread of the Liver building. I made it as a pseudo HDR image from the original RAW. I've also finished it off by cloning out some irritating distractions. The photo looks better viewed large, with my eyes anyway.