OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Hands off Christmas... finally!
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[quote] [b]jade said:[/b] Two religious recognized holidays in the US are about Christianity. Christmas & Easter. Here where I work for the Harris County DA's office..we get two days off for each one. Its a wonder that anti religious groups have not complained about seperation of church/state regarding time off work. Can anyone comment why on this? Could it be that they would loose the battle. [/quote] 1) I'm quite sure you are not going to get anyone to fight against getting paid time off from work, regardless of the reason ;) 2) As we've mentioned - and this is one of the reasons why such things *do* actually matter - both of those holidays have very distinctly non-christian origins. Certainly they are widely celebrated as the christian holidays they were morphed into; as we've said though, many of the popular trappings of the celebrations are distinctly pagan. Even the name Easter is the pagan name of the original celebration in pre-christian europe. Many cultures in many places have celebrated these times of the year for thousands of years, for very simple and obvious reasons.
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