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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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Ok, please just chill on the caps lock - it's hurting my mind :) It's usually associated to screaming in chat and forum. I feel a body is more than just flesh too, but when dealing with issues as sensitive as abortion, I do not give a damn wether "killing" is a cardinal sin and what is in the scriptures, or things of that kind - and remember, in my belief system, "Life" IS what you call God (so my belief system makes me hate the fact of damaging life). BUT I'd consider the case-by-case basis, and for example, in a situation extreme (young girl pregnant from a rape), the implications of giving birth to a child, according to logics, far outweigh the benefits of keeping the child alive - it is very sensitive and nobody is a fair judge, but it sounds way more "charitable" and Christian to leave it up to the mother wether she should have the kid or not. Darwin was ok with religion AND a pioneer in science because of that. Bugiums is a Bible advocate, but he appreciates science and weighs each and every fact against reason too. Belief in scriptures should never obliterate our will to reason things and make a proper choice that we own in any given situation.
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