OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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To be honest WS, I don't know where people got half of the things you cite. I haven't had much contact with the tales of Jack Frost, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy. I don't really know where they come from. However, I do know where Santa Claus comes from. Santa Claus is a legend spawned from [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas]Saint Nicholas[/url]. Just as Santa Claus is something that our world has created from Saint Nicholas, I believe that our world has also created a view of God that isn't God. That is why most people claim there is no proof for His existence. Of course God is real, just like Saint Nicholas is real. You don't go looking for Saint Nicholas in the North Pole, and you don't go looking for God as some flippant gift giver who is there for our beckoning. God isn't yoked to us, He can do as He pleases. That sends chills up most people's spines. God is not in our control, we can't force Him into some sort of idea and force Him to prove it. God IS, and we can either acknowledge Him and live in that light...or not. I don't really know if you can prove/disprove God with science. It is kinda a moot idea for me. It would be like me trying to prove/disprove you with the scientific method. I think that question goes more into the realm of philosophy than hard science, don't you?
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