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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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Arthurio, I like the quote you found from Ezekiel. It really shows how God gets angry and violent towards sin. An attribute of God that most people (even Christians) don't want to see...and tend to shut out: His wrath. But you still haven't answered my question. I'm really curious as to why you believe what you believe... [quote]Sorry to split up my post like this, but I have a question for Arthurio: why do you believe that there is absolutely no chance for there being a God? It is always fascinating for me to ask people on both sides of the debate why they have their strong convictions. I think some Christians who say there is no chance God doesn't exist say that because they are afraid God will get angry with them if they say He "isn't." Some of them because they have been seeing so much proof of His existence that they have a hard time thinking it is otherwise. Why do you believe there is absolutely no God?[/quote]
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