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Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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[b]Gideon:[/b] Sorry I somehow managed to miss your question. It is not wise of anyone to believe in absolutes. However it is my right to do so. I could answer why I believe that there is no God but why I believe that there is absolutely no God I cannot answer. As far as science goes the existence of an all-knowing, all-powerful being or entity is impossible and if you reduce that to less than all-powerful and all-knowing then what's the point? I don't think you can just say that God may be something different than what Christians believe and at the same believe in soul, after-life, the validity of Bible etc. It would make just as much sense to worship a little green alien who lives lightyears away and believe that when dead your consciousness will somehow be transported there to exist happily ever after together with the little green alien. Even if someone claims to be able to magically communicate with the little green alien I see no reason to believe he exists. There is exactly as much proof to support the existence of God as there is to the little green alien. However I see lots of reasons why someone might invent an imaginary all-powerful all-knowing being that communicates only with that person and maybe with a few more select people. Of course you could say that the little green alien works in mysterious ways...
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