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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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WS, I just re-read my post and I have to apologize. I guess last night I smooshed those two ideas together and didn't think that it would be taken as one idea, my bad. Two thoughts in that quote you grabbed from me: 1. Concession that it would be possible to prove/disprove the existence of God with science, in the same manner you would prove/disprove the existence of a person. 2. My belief in God stems from the same historical proof we have that Saint Nicholas was a real person. My point in using Saint Nicholas is that the media has changed who he really was in order to make some bucks off of him. I believe that media has done the same with God. I'm sorry if that caused you any confusion. :( We have enough historical evidence to prove that God is a real person who has influenced humanity for a very long time. If writings and a few artifacts are proof enough that Saint Nicholas existed, I think that 66 primary sources written by several different authors over a span of at least a millenia would count for at least enough evidence to [i]suggest[/i] that there might be a God who does influence humanity. I could understand where many people would disagree with that historical data, since most historians disagree on everything, but doesn't it count for something? I guess after you look at the historical data it would be faith that you use to believe them; much like it is faith you use to accept what your professors say or faith you use to accept what historians say about something like...[url=http://www.ihr.org/jhr/v11/v11p251_Butz.html]the holocaust[/url]. But the point I want to make is that there is evidence to suggest the existence of God. Some people just decide not to trust that evidence. After we decide that God is a historical person, then I guess it would be okay to perform some scientific tests or mathematical calculations to determine if he still does exist, if you are up for the challenge. :) For the record, Gidon /= Gideon. ;) I don't write in caps and I wouldn't talk like that. :) [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4680]Gideon[/url] on 02-11-2008 15:57)[/small]
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