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Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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No, Gideon, the proof is much more likely to show that our alien benefactors (the guys who terra-formed Earth and populated it with life adapted to its conditions) existed at one time or another, and that their attempts at teaching something of worth to our ignorant ancestors went a little awry. There is no evidence at all to suggest the existence of a 'God' - this is where historians go to great pains to define the difference between first-hand and second-hand evidence, empirical evidence, and witness statements. It is also prudent to consider the mental capacity and unique viewpoint of those who witness events - would trust you my assertion that little green pixie people inhabit my garden if I admit that they tend to congregate around my magic-mushroom patch, and reveal that I've never heard of grass-hoppers? There is as much evidence of God's existence as there is of my rightful ascendence to the throne of Britain (which, when realised, will herald the start of a new era... and the immediate invasion of France as the first step in rebuilding the British Empire and repatriating America beneath the British flag). My documents were deliberately destroyed, and some devilish type even faked British history to make it look like I'm not the real King, but I have faith, you see... [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 02-11-2008 16:23)[/small]
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