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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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Forgive me for repeating your arguments, DL44. Gideon, accept the following [b]fact[/b]; history is recorded by humans; humans are fallible; history, as we know it, is subject to interpretation by fallible humans; recorded history is fallible. This is accepted by any historian worth his or her salt, even with regard to relatively recent events. FFS, you can't even believe 90% of the crap you read in the newspapers; [i]you can't even believe half the crap you see in [b]live[/b] newscasts![/i] Accepting (or at least, understanding) this fact, can you honestly tell me that the great unwashed (uneducated, ignorant, and quite simply, gullible) masses of ancient times were adequately equipped to tell truth from fiction, or to intellectually assess the validity of claims/statements made by others? If your answer to that is anything more positive than "I don't know", then you need to ask yourself what the difference is between the prophets of long ago, and the people they lock away in institutions nowadays for claiming to be the son/prophet/embodiment of God. Why are they called crazy today? Why wasn't David Koresh lauded as the new Christ? By your logic, if we're to assume that your God existed, then we must assume, by the volume of literature, that the Viking, Roman and Greek Gods existed (which makes your God a filthy deceiver, as he claimed to be alone). In fact, through sheer weight of evidence, we can't deny that Pagan sacrifices used to bring the seasons to fruition, and cause the sun to rise each morning. Besides, if your God existed, and He created everything, then he had a very poor understanding of the science behind his own creation, making many, [i]many[/i] assertions that were either completely false, misguided, or ignorant. In fact, [i]if[/i] we assume that your sadistic and cruel God really existed, then we know for a fact that he deliberately mislead (and compounded the ignorance of) his followers for a very long time. So, in short, we have two options: 1) Accept your ridiculously flawed logic; God existed. In this case, he was a sick-minded, lying, and rather dim sort of God. 2) Accept that there is no proof, and that whether or not he existed, many people have vigorously perpetuated the belief.
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