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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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Great argument DL. White Hawk, thank you so much for revealing all that to me. Thank you for showing me the reasoning behind your beliefs about why God doesn't exist. I can tell that you are angry at God (I can understand why at this presentation of Him). I can see now why you don't think He exists. I wouldn't want a God like that to exist either. I want to show you the God whom I believe does exist. I want to quote the most quoted verse of the Bible: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." - John 3:16 The God I believe exists and He loves the people of this world. He loves the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve so much that He sacrificed His own Son to bring them back from separation. Say what you want about historians, they are human beings. Say what you want about the "unwashed masses of ancient times," their acts speak for themselves. Say what you want about the prophets, they died for their message. Say what you want about the literature about God, it has withstood worse. But I want you to know that God is not sadistic and cruel. [u]We [/u]have removed ourselves from God's love by our own free will. He created this beautiful world and we are the ones who destroyed it. He has been doing all He can within His own being to bring us back to what we were created for...a full and loving relationship with God Himself, through His Son, Jesus the Christ. We are what stands in the way. It isn't God's fault we are as we are...it is our own selfish desires. I hope you someday understand this.
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