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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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Which Bible do you read, Gideon? The one I've read has maybe three entries, late in the texts, which claim God to be forgiving and loving. The rest of it, plainly, is saturated with bloodletting, rape, murder, and countless atrocities - all with the blessing of, with the aid of, or by the direct hand of your God. I'm not just picking on those atrocities committed [i]in the name of[/i] your God, but those attributed directly to His action or command. This loving relationship you refer to is a modern invention - your God is a jealous God (His own words, I believe) and a vengeful one. Your god slaughtered, or caused to be slaughtered, many kingdoms. Your God sanctioned rape, murder, slavery, sacrifices, war, and much, much more. This is what the Bible tells us, and in so much as you accept this as proof of God, suggests that He is far from benevolent. Believe what you will, but don't be so selective of what you deem 'proof of God'. I'm not angry at some ethereal concept dreamed of by despots of a forgotten age - I'm angry at bigots and zealots who thrive on the ignorance of others, or refuse to be anything [i]but[/i] ignorant themselves. And no, I'm not angry at you, either; misguided as you are. ;) EDIT: I can't help wondering if you're deliberately misreading me; I have not given any case for proving that your God does not exist, but simply refuted proof that he [i]does[/i] exist. Don't make the mistake of believing that I'm red just because I'm not blue. :p [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4663]White Hawk[/url] on 02-14-2008 14:25)[/small]
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