OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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[quote] [b]WebShaman said:[/b] That is the singular, most idiotic thing that you have posted on these boards [/quote] I'd say the preceding line takes that honor actually: [quote] [b]Gideon said:[/b] I think most people on here don't want to admit there is the chance of God being real because that would mean they would have to do something about it. [/quote] The idea of there being a chance that any particular god is real dictates absolutely nothing. Let's say there is a chance that your particular god is real. What does that have to do with anything? What must be done about it?? There is as much of a chance that Lex Luther is going to break free from his 2 dimensional prison and claim his vengeance on our planet too....must something be done about that? Must we decide whether to be with Lex Luther or against him? [quote] [b]Gideon said:[/b] If there is even a chance God is real, you must do something about it. Decide to either be with Him or against Him. That is a huge leap for someone to take in changing their perception of reality. [/quote] If there are gods out there, who possess such wisdom as gods are supposed to possess, I will let them decide whether they are with me or against me.
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