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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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^last comment, wow... [quote] [b]Wes said:[/b] Gideon, have you ever considered a career in PR? [/quote] Why's that? I love how I say something and four people on here go: RAWR! It's quite fun. :) What are casinos based on? Chance, percentage, etc. If there was a 5% chance you could save a person from drowning would you do it? What if you had a 60% chance of losing your leg in the process, and a 35% chance of drowning yourself? Makes it more difficult, huh? But then again, you would be making a choice, wouldn't you? That is what I was talking about. If there is a chance God is real, you have to make a decision about it. (and making the decision to not make a decision is a decision, BTW) I have made my decision about Zeus and other gods...I believe they aren't real (or at least confused for other beings). That is my decision. I decided not to live for them. I guess I will suffer the consequences if I was wrong. But statistically speaking, I doubt it. My point, which many people missed, was that with the chance of God being real and God being angry, you have to make a choice to do something. You either trust Him and do as He says, or you don't and risk the penalties. But it's a lot easier to say that there is no chance there is a God, and be able to ignore Him without any repercussions, than for you to admit there is a chance and assume the responsibility of your own life's actions. [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/4680]Gideon[/url] on 02-18-2008 05:09)[/small]
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