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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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As WebShaman has just outlined, I also choose to live. I take responsibility for my own life, and my own actions; the good I do, I do without fear that my eternal soul is staked upon it. I have no reason to believe in a God, even as I have no reason to believe that breaking a mirror will bring me bad luck. I avoid breaking mirrors simply because they're expensive, useful, and I don't feel like sweeping up the shattered pieces - luck plays no part in my decision not to go smashing mirrors. Of course, if it should turn out that there is a God and that He takes issue with the manner in which I lead my life, then I'll be happy to continue to have nothing to do with Him. If my soul is forfeit through lack of faith when lesser people, criminals, child-molesters, and murderers may receive forgiveness, then He is not fit to be my God. I have no place in heaven alongside those that have lead their lives poorly, yet sought forgiveness with their dying breath. This is all moot anyway. I have no fear of what comes, and do not dread death. I have complete faith that should there come a reckoning, my life will bear scrutiny. Should there be nothing at all at the end of it all, then there's nothing to fear but oblivion.
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