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Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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Jade, it beggars belief that you have any understanding of the scriptures when you seem completely unable to fathom even my simple sentences. You missed the point of my statement entirely. In fact, if 'days' were a lot longer than days as we know them, then it's even more amazing that any being was able to create [b]day[/b] and [b]night[/b] long before creating the [b]greater light[/b] (of the sun) and the [b]lesser light[/b] (of the moon) to rule over them respectively. Of course, the easy (and rather daft) answer is that these words were used in order to convey the wonder of His creation in terms that our uneducated ancestors would find easier to understand. You could have used that answer (it appears to be the stock response, AFAIK), but I imagine that you, like me, see the major flaw in passing off complete misinformation as 'dumbing down'. Telling a curious kid that lights work because there's a photon pump in the bulb is clearly a daft thing to do; if one hasn't the patience or capacity to explain things as they are, why is it better to bullsh*t? The whole day and night existing before the Sun phenomenon falls way behind the 'centre of the Universe' claim anyway, but it tickles me to raise it all the same. It beats picking on the cud-chewing hares, plants that grew before the creation of the Sun, or four-legged fowls - though these are all mightily amusing to me also. ;)
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