OZONE Asylum
Philosophy and other Silliness
Christian fundamentalis don't believe in the Sun...
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The gospels in regard to the Birth/Ministry/Death are historical narratives. They are not fiction. We have many eyewitnesses in different places who refer to the same historical narratives throughout the new testament. We have many artifacts recovered from those times. We have the Roman History to also corrobrate what the climate was in those times regarding Roman law and presecutions and how persons were crucified to death. We have historical evidence of persecution of Christians after the ressurection. You can argue that it was religious cult who followed a Holy man who claimed to be the savior because they were blinded by irrational thought, but in the end its all about faith. You cannot reason with faith. If one wants to pick and choose what they believe is fiction, then its their perrogative. Those who follow Jesues will continue to do so until the end of time as they know it.
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