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Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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WTF? Who do you think you're addressing? Do you talk to your mother like that? If you spoke to me like that on the street, I'd feed you the freaking pavement, you offensive little sh*t! :mad: If you are incapable of understanding my posts, simply do not respond to them - I don't give a flying blue monkey what you've researched as regards legal action - my statement has absolutely nothing to do with your assertions in this respect. This conversation is no longer of interest to me. Grow up, stop being an offensive little kid, and get a life. I'm tired of you now - you're incapable of mature and reasonable conversation on [i]any[/i] subject; confrontational, overly defensive, aggressive, and quite frankly, incomprehensible. What the hell are you talking about?? Actually, forget that - I don't care - there is no sense to be made from your gibberish. _____ I offer my sincere apologies to everyone else - I'm not normally given to resorting to such a tone, and shall refrain from any further exchanges with InI. Sorry.
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