OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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Timeout : http://www.ozoneasylum.com/29912 I did NOT notice I was offending you in any way - see Blaise's explanation. I did take absolutely 0 offense at any given point, I just happened to cross the line of "teasing back too hard" and you just happened to take it negatively. To me, bits like this simply feel like I am speaking "chinese" - again, check Blaise's rephrasing : what he phrased is what I meant, I didn't even think for a single second that you would read : "are you too stupid to read?" I thought that my discussing it with you implied "I respect your intelligent input" and, therefore, that such a comment would be taken as : "I answered your question several times already, I know my posts are long but we would both spare time if you cared to check the tiny details that DO matter". ------------------------------------------- WS, you see what "yourself makes a cause of adversity" - your sig does apply in one direction or the other - and while I understand how you draw this quick conclusion, there are two ways to skin a cat. Can you demonstrate positivity yourself and try to see that?
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