OZONE Asylum
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Legal action is a good idea. I think technical action can be taken here and am willing to propose my services - but I have a problem at hands, maybe you can help me : rebuilding shattered relationships is confronted to a mental image, and natural prejudices from the previously "injured" or offended. It is difficult to accept a person has changed and avoid falling back into "defensive" mode as seen from your misinterpretations of my "alienation of Jestah":confused: (re-read and see for yourself that you were distorting simple statements into insult/agression based on a previous experience). This is all natural - it's a pain in the ass, but it is natural. I do have very concrete ideas as to how to adress the two above issues - spam them, they'll know you exist, they'll spam back more :) But there is a way, a very good one. The problem is fostering this idea properly while being ME - because the real obstacle will be the "what's his hidden Agenda" kind of emotional response. I don't expect that to "wear off" in no time, but do you think you can help me adress this? [small](Edited by [url=http://www.ozoneasylum.com/user/6553]argo navis[/url] on 01-23-2008 11:48)[/small]
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