OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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In short : you said I was trying to alienate Jestah or something in the misc forum. But my point there was very different from what you perceived. Here and now, spambots and the archival problem can be restricted using AI principles - but the idea will not be easilly received if coming from ME. Because the community expects and reads tantrums, or a need for approval, where there is none and will be none - you jumped to an "InI trying to alienate Jestah" conclusion. But you're talking to an "argo navis playing with statistic laws and google pagerank, and proposing a game" - big difference between what you expect, what is said, and what is perceived. Big - INSTANT difference. Does not leave me room for much contributions if I have to walk on eggshells all the time. So, the question again (off topic but) : do you think you can help me leverage that false expectation?
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