OZONE Asylum
Mad Scientists' Laboratory
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Eggshells, to close the parenthesis : I need no broom, I need prejudice free minds ready to welcome change and avoid stroking the past - for you and I cannot change it ;) There's the now. Then the future, you want it full of "hey InI you did that seven years ago - I KNOW you" kinds of comments? Not me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back on track : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal action against spammers exists to an extent - but it's very limited, because information tends to be free and spamming uses this. I have reported to the fbi branch who does handle this, but they cannot handle it well enough - it's just not possible with a technology like internet. The only realistic option to limiting it here and now (and a similar one to your mailbox spam filter) is AI : I happen to be fairly documented about it. Make a bot that can "mod", or assist mods in decision, you get a spam killer - further than Bayesian filtering - a lot more accurate if implemented properly. Hence the question : am I the only one who would "love" to see such a solution go live sometime? And to that you can answer.
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